It has been a while but lots has happen:

We are proud to announce that the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has accepted to fund the COVID-evidence initiative. The COVID-evidence team is extremely grateful to the SNSF for their support.

In continuation of our collaboration with the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials initiative (COMET), we are happy to report that the COMET group has started working on the development of core outcome set(s) for COVID-19 prevention studies (COS-COVID-P).

We are also more than delighted to have been invited to join the Evidence Collaborative for COVID-19 network coordinated by the World Health Organisation.

The COVID-evidence BASIC database now contains 2799 trials testing interventions to prevent or treat COVID-19. Please keep in mind that only records tagged as “manual extraction completed” have been finalized by human extraction. For more information on the procedures please visit the project’s directory on OSF.

We are working hard on optimizing the automatic extractions and have expanded our team. Soon we will offer additional filters and algorithms to improve the applicability and searching of the database. If you would like to see a specific filter implemented please reach out to the team.